Reducing care calls to improve customer satisfaction

This discovery aimed to investigate how new technologies like Amazon’s Alexa and chatbots have the potential to reduce the need for expensive face-to-face visits. The hypothesis for this project was […]

The Care Calls project team at work

Visualising failure in waste services

This alpha aimed to create data visualisation for the failure demand to inform targeted resources to address the problem by either education, enforcement or resolving locality problems such as poor […]

The Visualising Waste project team at work

‘Tell us once’ move in process

This discovery project explored the best way of allowing people moving into a council’s jurisdiction to contact the council just once to set up all their services – including council […]

The Tell Us Once project team at work

Better case management of FOI and SAR requests

This Alpha aimed to understand the user journey for staff who deal with FOI requests and SARs to prototype approaches to the unmet user needs they have discovered, and understand […]

The FOI and SAR requests team at work

Open Community (Discovery)

This discovery hoped to understand what a ‘directory as a service’ could and should look like in 2019, using innovative approaches to data contribution, curation and consumption. Every local authority, […]

open referral uk logo

GOV.UK Pay as a viable alternative e-payment provider

This discovery aimed to explore how local authorities can make integration with GOV.UK Pay easier and reusable for everyone in local government. The GOV.UK Pay contract model is financially beneficial for local authorities however, […]

Quality Data for Children in Care (Discovery)

This discovery focused on developing a standardised reporting approach for statutory returns, developing a deep understanding of the users’ needs from this process. Every day, Children’s Services Departments (CSDs) make […]

Housing Repairs (Discovery)

This discovery aimed to define a common service pattern for housing repairs and understand barriers to adoption of digital repairs services. The project also explored which service elements are best […]

Housing Repairs Discovery project team at work

Back Office Planning System (Discovery)

This discovery aimed to understand how a cross-authority solution, potentially providing back-end case management, transactional functions and a database, could unlock wider transformation of the planning system. Planning services are […]

The Back Office Planning discovery team at work

Family Context (Alpha)

The previous discovery had shown that front line workers in Early Help and Social Work need access to information on a child’s family, particularly what contact they’ve had with support […]

The Family Context Alpha team