Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
Citizen Enquiries Across All Council Services
Councils deal with an extensive volume of customer enquiries every day, the majority of which are still by telephone despite many services now being available and promoted on-line. At Doncaster, this can be 5-6,000 a week. Citizens often have to wait in a queue for a response during unpredictable peaks in demand and due to the wide range of services delivered by local authorities, it is very challenging for staff to remain multi-skilled to the required level in all services that are continually changing.
Given recent developments regarding artificial intelligence, in particular ‘bots, Doncaster Council would like to explore using a collaborative approach where this technology could be used to improve the customer experience, increase efficiency and speed up service delivery.
In particular, we would like to explore how this would work for our high volume services such as:
- Bin collection and waste recycling;
- Street cleaning and flytipping; and
- Highway and street lighting related services.
However, we would also like to explore what other services could benefit from the use of this technology learning from others.
The aim would be to produce assets that will be reusable by other local authorities. In particular, we aim to produce:
- A discovery report that sets out the art of the possible;
- A technical prototype;
- A benefit realisation plan; and
- To-Be Process Maps.
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to service design
- Introduction to product management
Other training requests
We presume that to deliver the Discovery phase we will require the following skills: • Bot technology development • User research • Business Analysis • Service Design • Project Delivery/Agile We have some internal resources for the project, including a Business Analyst and Technical Developers. However, we would benefit from bot technology development training for our developers.2 thoughts on “Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council”
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As Ceo,
Maybe this is a case for devolving responsibility to the community or parish council. Giffgaff spring to mind
As Sales Director:
We are currently involved with a number of County Councils who are interested in rolling out EscalateAI to kick off their AI Chatbox journey.
We are running an event in conjunction with IBM and wondered if you would like to attend.
We will also be in a position to not only show you how our IBM Watson Chat Bots are already being used but introduce people to other Councils who may be interested in sharing the digital experience and associated cost savings.
Register Here
If you are unbale to attend but would like an informal chat please feel to contact me on 07976 105037