Gamifying VR to gather feedback on town centre revitalisation

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To support the Newquay Futures Town Centre Revitalisation, Cornwall worked with Digital Urban, Arcadis and Homes England to create a 3D digital model of Newquay’s Town Centre and offered members of the public the opportunity to experience this in an immersive and fun VR experience.

The VR experience featured an avatar for the user which progressed on a journey through the town which was available in either an immersive experience utilising VR headsets or alternatively a game pad version on a screen. As users progressed through the “game” at key locations they were asked to choose options relating to their preferences or opinions. 

In conducting this pilot the council aimed to test the positive impact that immersive 3D technology could have when undertaking public engagement activities in relation to spatial planning matters; how digital tools could support engaging hard to reach demographics and gather evidence regarding levels of public support for town revitalisation ideas. 

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