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How our training offer is supporting local government with day-to-day working

It’s been seven months since we launched an online library of training courses to support our local government colleagues to develop their digital skills while working remotely. In that time, we’ve had 218 applications from people working in more than 100 councils for more than 40 courses.

The Local Digital training library - supporting local government to develop their digital skills while working remotely
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What our training offer is teaching us about the needs of local government

Earlier this year, we launched a library of online training courses to support our local government colleagues to learn and develop their digital skills while working remotely. We want to share with you what we’ve learned so far and what we plan to do next. You can also find out how we’ve expanded the offer to provide even more training opportunities.

An infographic of key stats about the local digital training library
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We’ve delivered training to 1000 council employees

MHCLG pledged to train 1000 local authority staff as part of our mission to support the ‘Local Digital’ movement. Read about how the Local Digital Collaboration Unit have achieved this and how your local authority can access free digital training.