Norfolk County Council’s experience with the CAF for local government
In this video case study, Norfolk County Council share their experience of the CAF for local government.

UK Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Laying the foundations for better local public services
In this video case study, Norfolk County Council share their experience of the CAF for local government.
Maldon District Council share their experience of undertaking the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) for local government.
In this blog post, we’ll provide an update on our work to develop the CAF and share how your council can start getting ready.
As our first phase of the CAF for Local Government comes to an end, we’re keen to share some insights and feedback before we move forward.
We want to set a clear standard and expectation around cyber resilience for local authorities in England, based on the established NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF).
During a Cyber discovery in 2020, a Cyber Health Framework was identified as one of the main areas of opportunity to progress into an alpha project, supporting council staff to navigate numerous and sometimes overlapping standards.