Peterborough City Council
In Cambridgeshire, it is estimated that there are 4,552 people of working age with a Learning disability.
The target number of Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism to be in employment is 6%. This figure stands at 2.6% in Cambridgeshire.
We know the positive impact finding meaningful employment can have on people with LD. The impact has been astounding in terms of confidence, wellbeing, becoming a real asset in a workplace and less reliance on the council.
This week the new joint Vulnerable children’s board (CCC & PCC) agreed that local authorities will further improve their joint working around SEND, and employability.
A team of partners ran a SPRINT to look at employment for people with LD. We covered a lot during the week, but there was no employer representation.
We would like to find out:
- What employers know about people with LD and autism and what is their perception (for large, medium and small businesses) and how many people with LD they employ
- Their policies about hiring people with LD and autism
- What they would need, support, and what are their barriers to employing people with disabilities
- How they recruit
- What skills and knowledge they look for in potential employees and why
- Digital leadership training (for council leaders, service managers or senior executives)
- Digital and agile awareness
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to service design