Bringing a 3D model to life for residents through a new engagement platform

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Dacorum Borough Council piloted the use of a new 3D model and engagement platform, to increase collaboration with local residents and deliver a more transparent and inclusive process between the council and the community. 

The focus of the consultation was on a specific part of Hemel Hempstead with engagement principally undertaken using the Commonplace platform. The consultation aimed to seek feedback from the local community on how they feel currently about their area, what design features they believe makes their area unique, and what they consider to be important for this area in the future. 

The pilot also explored how presenting information in a more engaging manner using new technologies could enhance users’ experience of complex planning matters. Examples included presenting the emerging 3D model for Hemel Hempstead developed in partnership with Vu.City for the first time which the council sought feedback on. 

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