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One year of fixing the plumbing: the Local Digital Declaration

It’s been one year since the Local Digital Declaration was published. The Local Digital Collaboration Unit at MHCLG reflect upon the achievements so far, and how their future work can further deliver upon the promises and principles of the Declaration.

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Designing the market response to the Local Digital Declaration

Hosted by techUK, this co-design workshop invited tech suppliers and vendors to explore different areas of response to the Declaration. See the progress made at the event by each working group and the planned next steps.

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Reasons to sign the Declaration and iterations to the service

The Local Digital Team outline the benefits of signing up to the Local Digital Declaration and give guidance on making a commitment. Also, they share what they’ve learnt since launching the first iteration of the sign up service.

Post-its on a window with lightbulb above

Delivering on the Declaration wiki-style

It’s been an epic week for our budding #LocalDigital Collaboration Unit (LDCU). Wednesday saw the culmination of 6 months of workshopping and text drafting with hundreds of collaborators to launch […]

Attendees of the Birmingham roadshow during an unconference session