Herefordshire Council

Outcome of Expression of Interest: Not shortlisted

All local government planning policy is National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) compliant. This stipulates that policy must be on the foundation of measurable goals that have sufficient evidence base, multiple variables, as justification.

In an age of change, where minor factors easily cause a policy to become ineffective, an approach is needed to simultaneously monitor policy and variables. Local authorities often pay between £3k to £10k to conduct a policy review which is an arduous task.

A proactive predictor software can remove the challenge by reviewing the relevance and effectiveness of policy, by monitoring the variables that formed the evidence base for the policy’s existence.

The application software will apply a formula that constantly monitors the efficiency of a policy and whether it requires review, whilst highlighting possible action(s) to facilitate meaningful intervention by obtaining data from exisiting local authority databases. The application can also be used for forecasting.

The software will act as a mitigation tool able to prevent issues from escalating through the use of a traffic light system to notify users.


  • Introduction to user research
  • Introduction to product management
  • Introduction to digital business analysis