Cheshire East Council
All councils face increased demand to provide intelligent digital solutions whilst ensuring that GDPR principles are met. Three million people moved between councils in England and Wales during 2017, which is part of an upward trend.
The proposed solution Local Authority Digital Switch Service enables a seamless customer journey between authorities, providing an option for digital customers to consent to transfer data/benefits/services to a new authority.
This will allow the gaining authority to start the switch process, utilising notifications for updates. Change of address triggers the process which can be extended to other use cases.
Key functionality:
- GDPR portability – GDPR requirements and principles are observed.
- Data integrity – Reliable data assists in identifying vulnerable people coming into the borough
- Enhanced customer experience – National single view of the customer
- Reduced costs – Reduced re-keying with data maintained
- Tell us once cascade – Downstream data integration with key systems and processes
Discovery process will include working with an existing supplier who provide account services to 30% (100+) of all UK councils.
Alpha or post alpha there is potential to promote as part with GDS ‘Gov.UK Switch’ with view to extending the Gov.UK suite (currently Notify, Pay and Verify).
- Introduction to user research
- Introduction to delivery management
- Agile for teams